red haired beard Electric Art / Schick NZ. By Sharpe + Associates Inc.

Beards have been trendy for a while now, you have seen facial hair on celebrities like David Beckham and George Clooney, models Ricki Hall,Johnny Harrington and others. But like with every fashion, it comes and it goes. So is it good timing for razor company Schick to launch a “Free Your Skin” campaign? I will let you decide.
Their posters are intriguing with rodents forming full beards on three men; “our menagerie consisted of 6 ferrets & 9 rabbits, all various colours. The rabbits were the best looking of the bunch although the ferrets had all the personality & a rather… unique… smell about them. A million furry captures later & we had a fantastic bank of material. The rough comp was remade in high-res with input from the creatives & Troy,” [1]states retouching studio Electric Art.

man with red hair beard (squirrel) Electric Art / Schick NZ. By Sharpe + Associates Inc.

Man with dark brown squirrel beard, Electric Art / Schick NZ. By Sharpe + Associates haired beard, Electric Art / Schick NZ. By Sharpe + Associates Inc.Man with grey beard, Electric Art / Schick NZ. By Sharpe + Associates Inc.grey haired beard,Electric Art / Schick NZ. By Sharpe + Associates Inc.rough comp. three men with beards. Electric Art / Schick NZ. By Sharpe + Associates Inc.Behind the scenes, man positioning rabbit for photo shoot. Electric Art / Schick NZ. By Sharpe + Associates Inc.


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